Mulliontide: A Guide for Walkers

Mulliontide: A Guide for Walkers

July 2017, Published by LAW Co, Leeds

Mulliontide is a coastal walk from Poldhu Cove to Mullion Cove that I created in 2016 in collaboration with residents of Mullion, Cornwall. The walk notices the effects of tide and time, acknowledges deep feelings for place and recognises the challenges of change – personal and topographical.

Those who did the walk over one weekend in October 2016 responded so positively that I have produced a special guide book so that others can share the experience. The walk takes you along the coast stopping at fifteen stations en route. The stations introduce you to residents who tell you what is important to them about that place. Each of these residents has deep feelings for this coastal landscape and knows it, and its constantly changing nature, intimately. The guide book invites you to get to know these people through their words, photographs and songs and to immerse yourself in the place through your own actions. Even if doing the walk itself is not feasible, this publication will provide you with a striking record of my most recent work.


Mulliontide: A Guide for Walkers costs £12.00 + £3.00 postage & packing.

If you would like to buy a copy please email Louise at: 

The walking-guide has been self-published by LAW Co.


For more information about Mulliontide click here